Saturday, November 10, 2007

You must Violate Peoples' Rights!

I always like to look up when I'm criticizing any kind of structural organization. Especially government, whenever things have to do with government, there is almost always a chain command present. That means that commands go down the line from the top. Being either the Police Commissioner or the Mayor, all the way to the officer hearing the command from their supervisor and having to carry it out on the streets. I say the Mayor, because the Commissioner is appointed by and takes orders from the Mayor. Commands lead to quotas, numerical production requirements, that must be satisfied or else. There is no direct stop and frisk quota but there is a quota on the stop and frisk reports that are filed, UF-250 forms.

This is very bad because rookies are flooding to the streets with orders to "police aggressively", that is write summonses, make stops, and make arrests. These officers' jobs are getting harder everyday because of the strict orders giving to them to fill their quotas. Its not a win-win for these officers. If they meet the quota, they face more civilian complaints; if they don't make the quota they face poor performance evaluations, reassignment, and even placement in the performance monitoring program that could impair their career and even their personal life.

So now why are minorities harassed so much for real, its not the officers they're only following orders. It must be due to the Head Commander, the Mayor. Keep crime low harass minorities, that sounds like it, I wonder. Still don't let the cops office cause they're doing their job, when we give them a hard time and question them and do not act with compliance we're doing our job, that is taking our rights that we should already have that are slowly disintegrating.

PBA Magazine, Summer 2005 | Stop-and-Frisk Quotas: A time bomb ready to explode

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